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Edinburgh International Fringe Festival - 2014

Written by: J.C Marshal

Director: Cathy Thomas-Grant

Asst. Director/Producer: Alex Fthenakis 

Costume Designer: Sarah Lindsley

Lighting Designer: Ramine Ameli

Sound Designer: Madison Fortney


A myriad of sources contribute to the vast World Wide Web. This piece asks the question if we can construct a structure that can last. Our pursuit of truthfulness and solidarity in the age of the internet moves through the crossing-over places and along the paths and walls between worlds. An ambiguous world of the in-between has been created for this show, one that allows for the playing of many different scenes in the same space. The umbrella structure is reminiscent of the web of connections that we all make in the virtual world; the network of interactions and technological glow of electronics. The floor cloth is inspired by oceanographic charts and constellations that have spots of focus and places of crossing over. The warm and cools are that of steely fire and light but also allow for the warmth of the human body on this stagescape. 

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